28 Jan 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Cover Changes, the Good and the Bad

Another TTT post, hosted by the Artsy Reader Girl blog. Today I'm looking at book covers. 

Covers can be the first thing that attracts readers to a book. When its sitting on the shelf in a bookshop, or like me, when you're trawling through Amazon. New editions of books often come out with new covers or sometimes the author decides to change just the cover for whatever reason. Yet not all cover changes are, in my opinion, equal.

Changes I didn't Like 

 First off, Joyce DiPastena's Medieval Poiteven Hearts series has been recovered and reformatted. I may by in the minority for preferring the old cover on the left. I just think the girl on the new one looks like a Barbie doll.

Not judging the book or its content since I have not read it yet, I just don't care for this cover change.

Second, the books of a YA Fantasy series I read years ago. In fact, aside from the Chronicles of Narnia these were really my itroduction to Christian Fiction. I really preferred the older covers of this trilogy rather than the most recent  (shown in the second row) created with the author went independent.
Old Covers 


The cover change for the first book (below) isn't too bad, but for the second one, again, the model looks too perfect, and the third one is too abstract for my liking. 

Also, can I say I sort of preferred the original covers of some of the Books in Tamara Leigh's Age of Faith Series? Or would that be heresy.


Great Changes

Honestly, though its not all negative. There have been some excellent cover changes.

I loved it when my friend Venessa Knizley changed the covers of her Medieval series: although the hand drawn ones (left) were good, I think they give the wrong impression. Hand drawn says YA or Children's Fiction.

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Also, Deanna Julie Dodson's Chastelayne Trilogy were much improved when they came out on Kindle a few years ago.  Except perhaps,the cover of the first book.

Paperback Covers (from the 90s) 

Kindle Editions (2011)

 And honestly, I think Christian Fiction covers have improved generally in the last decade or so. Here are some of my favourites for titles coming out this year. 

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Join me for another Top Ten Tuesday post soon.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with this post. You put a lot of work into it!

    My TTT .


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